Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fairy Tale Read-A-Thon TBR and Updates

The fairy tale readathon hosted by Debz Book Shelf started yesterday! I have not had the chance to update this blog with my TBR pile or updates yet because of other commitments. Anyway, I am finally updating my goals and progress for the readathon now.

My goal is to read at least three books. One book will probably be The Iron King since I put it off specifically for this readathon. during my last readathon, I had planned to finish Alice in Zombieland but got a little frustrated with the story. I still have hopes for it though.

The Pile!

The Iron King
Alice In Zombieland
I, Coriandez
La Reina de La Laguna

1 comment:

  1. You have some good books picked out. I really liked The Iron King and the subtle fairy tale elements in it. I considered reading I, Coriander for the read-a-thon, and might still get around to it. The others I haven't heard of, but I'm sure they're good!
